Property For Sale On Brook Lane Kings Heath. the average price for a property in brook lane, moseley, birmingham, b13 is £257,000 over the last year. — 468 brook lane, kings heath is a 4 bedroom detached house spread over 1,496 square feet, making it one of the. — 309 brook lane, kings heath is a freehold terraced house spread over 1,023 square feet, making it one of the smaller. view property details for 222 brook lane kings heath birmingham b13 0tq, information like price estimate, sale. a substantial five bedroom characterful property situated in the highly desirable moseley area briefly. viewings highly recommended for this lovely presented three bedroom semi detached residence situated in this. — 3 bedroom detached house for sale in brook lane, birmingham, west midlands, b13 for £410,000. this property comprises of a living room, dining kitchen, conservatory, downstairs w.c, three bedrooms and bathroom. 3 bedroom houses for sale in kings heath. there are total 261 properties on brook lane, kings heath, birmingham b13 which includes 256 houses and 5 flats. Nicely enclosed with gravel drive. 309 brook lane is a freehold terraced house located in kings heath, birmingham. — 2 bedroom terraced house for sale in brook lane, birmingham, west midlands, b13 for £170,000. broad lane, kings heath, birmingham b14 this beautifully presented home is perfect for a family. property & houses for sale in kings heath.
309 brook lane snapshot. this property comprises of a living room, dining kitchen, conservatory, downstairs w.c, three bedrooms and bathroom. 309 brook lane is a freehold terraced house located in kings heath, birmingham. The last sale of this. the average price for a property in brook lane, moseley, birmingham, b13 is £257,000 over the last year. viewings highly recommended for this lovely presented three bedroom semi detached residence situated in this. Nicely enclosed with gravel drive. — village location. view property details for 222 brook lane kings heath birmingham b13 0tq, information like price estimate, sale. 3 bedroom houses for sale in kings heath.
50 Brook Lane, Cradley Heath 2 bed semidetached bungalow £185,000
Property For Sale On Brook Lane Kings Heath 309 brook lane is a freehold terraced house located in kings heath, birmingham. property & houses for sale in kings heath. — 468 brook lane, kings heath is a 4 bedroom detached house spread over 1,496 square feet, making it one of the. The last sale of this. this property comprises of a living room, dining kitchen, conservatory, downstairs w.c, three bedrooms and bathroom. view property details for 222 brook lane kings heath birmingham b13 0tq, information like price estimate, sale. there are total 261 properties on brook lane, kings heath, birmingham b13 which includes 256 houses and 5 flats. a substantial five bedroom characterful property situated in the highly desirable moseley area briefly. Brook lane is situated on the borders on kings heath and moseley. broad lane, kings heath, birmingham b14 this beautifully presented home is perfect for a family. 309 brook lane snapshot. viewings highly recommended for this lovely presented three bedroom semi detached residence situated in this. — 3 bedroom detached house for sale in brook lane, birmingham, west midlands, b13 for £410,000. **** perfect family home **** **** three bedrooms **** **** great location **** dixons are please to present this lovely. To the downstairs you have a. This residence is in a.